Click & Grow

Click & Grow specialises in smart gardens that help anyone grow fresh food at home with 0 effort. Our technology takes care of plants automatically, making sure they always have enough light, nutrients, and water. Thanks to the Smart Soil we use - plants grow 30% faster while using 95% less water. The user-logic of our gardens is similar to that of Nespresso coffee machines - instead of coffee pods, we offer pre-seeded BIODEGRADABLE plant capsules, that allow growing food sustainably. Click & Grow is innovative smartpot for growing houseplants. What makes Click & Grow special is that plants grow in it on their own, without any outside help. A plant that grows in the Click & Grow smartpot does not need watering, fertilizing or any other kind of care. The whole process of plant growth is taken care of by the sensors, software and precise electronics in the smartpot. A truly remarkable gadget for the modern person!
The Wall Farm Indoor Vertical Garden

The Wall Farm Indoor Vertical Garden

Expires 15.07.2024

The Click & Grow Wall Farm is an innovative indoor vertical garden that grows fresh herbs, fruits and leafy greens all year round and hyper-locally.
