Crazy Shirts

Crazy Shirts legacy began in 1964, when Rick Ralston founded one of the first companies in the world to sell the modern "T-Shirt" using distinctive designs that reflect the exuberant Island lifestyle. Ralston set-up shop on a Waikiki sidewalk charging $5 to airbrush monsters, hot rods and surfing scenes on T-shirts. Purchased by Only the Best, Inc. in 2001, our brand has evolved into an internationally recognized casual apparel brand. For more than 55 years, we have clothed millions (literally) of our fans in their celebration of the adventures in everyday life. Crazy Shirts opened their custom build corporate offices in Halawa Valley, where it employs 300 plus employees and is still going strong. This beautiful building was created for the company in the 1980s and everything about it, from its yellow cedar exterior to the antiques inside, befits a company whose workers call each other "Crazies". The overarching theme that permeates through everything we do is making items that are classic and maintain a level of creativity and irreverence in design and, in a lot of ways, we create or help people save memories Be they reminders of vacations past, clever jokes and plays on words, or iconic landscapes and poignant social messages…our fans proudly wear their hearts on their sleeves. Crazy Shirts is known for offering exceptional quality and craftsmanship which are the hallmarks of the brand today. We have cultivated years of experience and refined our expertise in product research and development to continue to deliver the unique and original products that stand the test of time.
Crazy Shirts nu are cupoane încă.

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