
Our platform empowers you to quickly discover, plan and book engaging team events from a catalog of exclusive experiences that optimize corporate culture and professional growth. From team bonding games and happy hours, to edu-tainment style workshops and professional development trainings that cover soft skills & DE&I initiatives. Choose from hundreds of experiences and dozens of collections! How many corporate offices have a dedicated event planner? Not many. How many corporate employees get thrown the task of event planning without having any experience? Too many. When Lee Rubin, our Co-Founder and CEO, was randomly tasked with planning her team’s event she asked herself, “is there an easier way to create meaningful events that are simple to plan?” Zoom forward, she and Eyal Hakim (Co-Founder & CTO), had an answer. The two saw eye-to-eye on their goal to give people who don’t want to waste hours planning corporate events a quick, painless way to organize complex company events and team building experiences – ones that genuinely bring teams closer and improve work culture. They believe that if team members can get along better, they can produce great work. And if they produce great work, together they can build a great company. And if companies were more successful, it would leave this world a better place.
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